
As I was going through my film archive I realized how little ‘free work’ I’ve created in the last few years. And by ‘free’ I mean, without expectation of what I’m going to create or what it is going to become. Just capturing something because it makes you feel a certain way.

I captured these images on the way to Germany with my mom, and wrote the poem afterwards.

Voice over by @donna_cor
Song - Sajama by @maxllmusic

Blue hour

Song - Vatnajokull by Martin Landh

Visual postcard from last summer

Song - iamdaylight by Seine River

Vietnam diary

Walking here, on my own. Getting lost, losing myself, in the streets, the little alleys. Feeling calm, even though i’m in the middle of this chaos. Scooters honking, kids screaming. There are not many moments of silence here. Still there is some kind of peace, hidden in every street.

Song - Norrsken by Karin borg

are you aware of how you feel, of your emotions at this specific moment? and do you focus, on where these emotions come from? where exactly do you feel it, why is it there? and can you let them go, can you let go - of anything you feel, of anything you are, and feel that you are?

Song - Battles by DKNL (Lambert Rework)

Estepona, augustus '18

Song - Go in by Bakery


"sorry that i hated myself more than you hated me in that moment"

Song - Ulenflucht by Niklas Paschburg

i love to watch the clouds. all the different shapes. colliding fastly. exploding slowly. looking down on the world through a small window. seeing all those little houses pass by. people walking, driving, living, in their small towns. farms, industries, ports that are so big but from up here they seem to be nothing. we seem to be nothing. yet we are so much. there is so much earth. yet it is nothing. compared to the universe. looking down on earth gives me so many different thoughts. uncontrollable feelings. free, content, confused, thankful, sad, anxious, happy, amazed, scared, angry, calm, fascinated, guilty, lost. all at the same time. it’s such a beautiful world. and also a terrifying one.

Song - Sohn by Wheels


and then, you know, you will go on. you will notice that, no matter what happens, the sun will go down and the moon will be there. the world will keep turning, and life will just go on.

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